Online shooting academy

by Robert Černigoj

On my career path as a sports shooter, going from beginner to professional and finally to teacher I discovered I know exactly what I want to do in my life. That is why I have decided to create my own Online Shooting Academy (OSA) which focuses on improving your shooting skills. It is suitable for beginners and advanced shooters. Enjoy it and be safe!

2019 European Handgun Champion

RC-Tech is brand created by Robert Černigoj

A lot of FUN!

A LOT of Adrenaline

Safe & Certified

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Important: This course is held in Slovenian language

Vabimo vas na tečaj »Nazaj k osnovam«, ki je primeren tako za začetnike kot tudi za strelce do IPSC kategorije B. V tečaju bomo obdelali vse od osnov (držanje pištole, dihanja, oblik merjenja…) do streljanja v gibanju, premikanja med pozicijami in suhega treninga. Pogoj za udeležbo je lastno orožje, strelivo ter oprema. Tečaj je primeren tudi kot priprava na IPSC varnostni izpit.

Trajanje tečaja:  6-8 ur
Število tečajnikov: 8
Minimalna količina strelov: 500

Inštruktor: Robert Černigoj

V ceno tečaja je vključena tudi malica. Rezervacijo lahko opravite zgoraj desno s klikom na gumb RESERVE.

Nekaj slik tečaja si lahko ogledate TUKAJ

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We are always somewhere on the road. Over the years we collected lots of memories and want to share some with you. Check them out!

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Advanced Course


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